Fitness Workshop

This year, you can try 6 different fitness and body conditioning workshops. Each workshop will be given by a specialist coach who will work out every muscle in your body - even those that you've never felt before! All this at the sound of different music, it will be a perfect preparation for the BGS Party that same evening.



The registration is done individually. For those who love a bit of competition in fitness workshops, we will give out awards for:

  • the most creative or fun outfit (voted by the participants);
  • the best coach (voted by the participants);
  • the participant with the most endurance.



We request all participants to stop by the registration desk at the Welcome Party on Friday evening, or eventually BEFORE 8:45 am on Saturday at the venue itself.


The day of the workshops

We will start the day at 9 am with a collective warm up alongside the badminton players: an impressive group! Throughout the day, we will have the following workshops for you to enjoy:

  • 9 am - 9:30 am: Common warm up (Jérôme);
  • 9:40 am - 10:30 am: Start up (Jérôme);
  • 10:45 am - 11:35 am: Power Pilates – Muscular TAF (Aurore);
  • 11:50 am - 12:40 am: Power Yoga (Jean-Marc);
  • 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm: TAF (Déborah);
  • 2:50 pm - 3:30 pm: Zumba (Guillermo);
  • 3:45 pm - 4:35 pm: Pilates – Relax (Marcella).

Will you dare do them all?

Then, we have booked the swimming pool of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel – VUB (boulevard du Triomphe 1, entrance number 8, 1050 Brussels/Ixelles) just for you, for an entertaining session of 'cool down' with athletes from other disciplines. Fun provided between 6:30 and 7:30 pm!

Practical info


Saturday 9 am - 5 pm (check-in on the day of the tournament is possible BEFORE 8:45 am, if you couldn't make it on Friday evening)



Centre Sportif de la Woluwe

Avenue Emmanuel Mounier 87

1200 Brussels/Woluwe-Saint-Lambert


Public transport:

  • Metro 1: stop Kraainem/Crainhem
  • Bus 76: stop Kraainem/Crainhem
  • Bus 79: stop Mounier


Contact Person: Albrecht (+32-477.57.52.56)


  • Admission fee (*): 25 €
  • Brunch: 20 €
  • BGS Party: 10 € (12 € at the entrance)


(*) You will benefit from an automatic 20% discount if you register AND pay BEFORE July 21st! Are included in the price: participation in tournament, a bottle of water, fruits & snacks, a sandwich meal, 'cool down' in the swimming pool and guided tour through Brussels (booking is required). Hosted housing is free for visitors from abroad.

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