
Hiking 2014

During this 2014 edition, we will make you appreciate the beauty of the Sonian Forest. This Cathedral Beech is the most important green space of the Brussels region.

As an ancient forest filled with history, unique European landscape and exceptional ecosystem, it is home to a surprisingly rich flora and fauna for an urban forest.

During this day of hiking, we will discover the ponds, the beech, the marsh, the incomparable Red Cloister, etc.


You can join us for walk in the morning or in the afternoon. We can have our pick nick all together.


The day of the hike

We will start our hike at the Shell gas station located at the metro station Herrmann-Debroux, located at the boulevard du Souverain in Auderghem (1150 Brussels). The meeting is scheduled for 10 am.

We will start a 12 km hike in the direction of the wonders of the Sonian Forest.

1 pm: Forest picnic in the unique place that is the Red Cloister.

2 pm: Beginning of a second hike of 12 km, discovering new paths and the massive forest.

Then, we have booked the swimming pool of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel – VUB (boulevard du Triomphe 1, entrance number 8, 1050 Brussels/Ixelles) just for you, for an entertaining session of 'cool down' with athletes from other disciplines. Fun provided between 6:30 and 7:30 pm!

Practical info


Saturday 10 am - 6 pm



Shell gas station

Boulevard du Souverain 55

1160 Brussels/Auderghem


Public transport:

  • Metro 5: stop Herrmann-Debroux
  • Tram 94: stop Herrmann-Debroux
  • Bus 41 or 72: stop Herrmann-Debroux


  • Admission fee (*): 15 €
  • Brunch: 20 €
  • BGS Party: 10 € (12 € at the entrance)


(*) Are included in the price: participation in hiking, a bottle of water, fruits & snacks, a sandwich meal, 'cool down' in the swimming pool and guided tour through Brussels (booking is required). Hosted housing is free for visitors from abroad.

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